
class augraphy.augmentations.noisetexturize.NoiseTexturize(sigma_range=(3, 10), turbulence_range=(2, 5), texture_width_range=(100, 500), texture_height_range=(100, 500), p=1)[source]#

Bases: Augmentation

Creates a random noise pattern to emulate paper textures. Consequently applies noise patterns to the original image from big to small.

  • sigma_range (tuple, optional) – Defines bounds of noise fluctuations.

  • turbulence_range (tuple, optional) – Defines how quickly big patterns will be replaced with the small ones. The lower value - the more iterations will be performed during texture generation.

  • texture_width_range (tuple, optional) – Tuple of ints determining the width of the texture image. If the value is higher, the texture will be more refined.

  • texture_height_range (tuple, optional) – Tuple of ints determining the height of the texture. If the value is higher, the texture will be more refined.

  • p (float, optional) – The probability this Augmentation will be applied.

noise(width, height, channel, ratio, sigma)[source]#

The function generates an image, filled with gaussian nose. If ratio parameter is specified, noise will be generated for a lesser image and then it will be upscaled to the original size. In that case noise will generate larger square patterns. To avoid multiple lines, the upscale uses interpolation.

  • width (int) – Width of generated image.

  • height (int) – Height of generated image.

  • channel (int) – Channel number of generated image.

  • ratio (int) – The size of generated noise “pixels”.

  • sigma (int) – Defines bounds of noise fluctuations.


The Noise Texturize augmentation creates a random noise pattern to emulate paper textures.

Initially, a clean image with single line of text is created.

Code example:

# import libraries
import cv2
import numpy as np
from augraphy import *

# create a clean image with single line of text
image = np.full((500, 1500,3), 250, dtype="uint8")
    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
    (80, 250),

cv2.imshow("Input image", image)

Clean image:


Example 1#

In this example, a NoiseTexturize augmentation instance is initialized and the sigma value that define noise fluctuatiosn is set to random value in between 2 and 3 (2, 3). The noise turbulence range is set to random value in between 2 and 5 (2,5). The texture width and height are set to random value in netween 50 to 500 pixels (50, 500).

Code example:

noise_texturize = NoiseTexturize(sigma_range=(2, 3),
                                 turbulence_range=(2, 5),
                                 texture_width_range=(50, 500),
                                 texture_height_range=(50, 500),

img_noise_texturize = noise_texturize(image)
cv2.imshow("noise_texturize", img_noise_texturize

Augmented image:
